ryder ☢️さんのプロフィール画像

ryder ☢️さんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:810 フォロワー数:1610

I have 13 demon OCs and counting, but here are some of my favs rn! 😳
(richie, maddox, dante, and raphael)

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11. Gemini

Created by Landon as a gift for Eulalia to thank her for taking care of him.
He refers to himself as an "old cat" and has mysterious old man energy
He loves sitting on shelves and tables (which people shoo him off of)

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10. LANDON oh my god I love this guy

My favorite of the Kellogg family, Landon!
He spends all of his time sitting in his room reading books or looking out the window. Sometimes, Eulalia helps him to the garden where he relaxes. Peace love happiness

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I love her so much. The 2nd drawing is an outdated design, so ... erm... Ignore that
I really like her and her personality and story but NO ONE seems to share my love for her! It's very sad. She's very kind and gentle and makes me happy

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7. The aforementioned Lucky in question

I neglect him way too much even though he's definitely one of the most interesting/fleshed-out, though I still enjoy his profile! I just need 2 draw him more
He's just a little guy. A bit of a prick

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6. Clementine (the girl ever)

Another character who desperately needs a ref bc I cannot decide what to do with her dress. She's honestly one of my favorites and I need to draw her way more often. She has a "childish war" dynamic with Lucky that I love

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Another character who has changed a lot. I initially had, like, 0 personality ideas for her despite her being the first character I actually came up with for the story. Her profile isn't super accurate anymore, but it's got the general gist. I love her

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4. HUGO....... 💖💖

His current ref is so ugly. I want to redraw it real soon.
He has gone through a lot of iterations and has probably gone through the most changes. Now, I'm still kind of struggling with how to write him, but I'm getting there
He's sort of like depressed Venti

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3. Edgar Morin

A character I really need to write a proper bio for!
Despite the fact I made his design ages ago, I actually still like it! It could do with some tweaks, however. I need to make a proper ref/design for him real soon.

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2. Peter McCoy 🤨

I hated him for a long time, but... Don't tell anyone this... He has grown on me a lot. Mostly because he reminds me of Hamlet, who I love.
I'm still really unsatisfied with his design so expect many future changes!

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