

Content Creator on YouTube | Partnered with @Elgato | Business: [email protected] | Editing opportunity 👉🏻 [email protected]

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How cool would it be if we got a Galarian Houndoom that was a Fairy-Type? It'd be the heavenly counterpart to its demon-self🙉

7 232

New Dobbs Gaming profile picture👀 more rebranding stuff to come!

1 136

It looks like Poliwhirl is on the edge of flipping me off🙈

7 152

We just caught the cutest-looking Delta Pokemon EVER😍 A Grass/Steel-Type Noibat!

1 78


27 243

Meet your destroyer, Ratyu

6 119

Game Freak why wasn't this menacing beast made as an Electric/Dark-Type Pokemon? It would've been the first of its kind and badass🤩

11 216

Yo made me this awesome Let's GO avatar! :D

6 198

he's seen some crazy shit in this top 10😂

3 108

I think it would be sick if Game Freak brought back Shadow Pokemon for a main series game😈

14 236