

🏳️‍🌈 / 29 / comics artist learning animation. 🤍 sean
ROBOSPHERE 2 print edition out now! see link ⬇️

フォロー数:446 フォロワー数:393

Thanks so much for the tag!! 😄 I’m Ethan, predominantly a cartoonist/oc artist who loves robots, German expressionism influences and science fiction. Currently making a comic about my robot gang. Go for it, , , !

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3/3 new ocs: Mars is the fourth member of the main cast and should’ve been covered weeks ago - he’s Russell’s flatmate 😵‍💫 In spite of his lofty height and apparent aloofness he’s actually the caring type. and those pink slippers definitely aren’t his

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New oc time. Meet Leo ✨ a store owner who’s generally laid back, but has got a short fuse - piss him off and you'll know about it!

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here are a few of dysfunctional guys ✨

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congrats for hitting the big 400! guess I will send along two of my recent robot boys, leo and mars.

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here are some of my dysfunctional bois

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I totally get it, we love a cube headed guy! But what if I told you that was only a mask, and his real head looks like this?

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