

Everything about the Slavic and Turkic cultures of Eurasia

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Original Polish title, ‘Gusła Słowian’, uses the archaic Polish word ‘gusła’ - a hard-to-translate concept comprising magic and rituals (mostly of shamanic nature)

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The illustrations include also the artist’s interpretations of old-Slavic gods (lesser/local deities as well as the major gods and goddesses)

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The paintings show some of the most practiced Slavic rituals of pagan origin that survived to the modern era

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Baba Yaga is considered one of the most memorable and distinctive figures in Eastern European folklore while playing both the role of a donor, as well as the villain

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Traditionally, early in the morning boys awake girls by pouring a bucket of water on their head and striking them about the legs with long thin twigs or switches made from willow, birch or decorated tree branches

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Ukrainian folk motifs and legends by Angela Oliynyk 🇺🇦

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Artworks of a Turkish painter Remzi Iren 🇹🇷

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Her name is associated with Söyembikä Tower which is one of the most familiar landmarks and architectural symbols of Kazan

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Ukrainian Cossacks came from a variety of nationalities and social groups. Their ancestors came from Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, and Tatar territories and migrated at great risk to the southern steppes

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