

She/Her/90s child/ German / cis /just rebloging and stuff I like here and sometimes you see art relatet stuff from me.

フォロー数:675 フォロワー数:152

I am not that sad I promise OTL
I am so positive how can I be so unhappy. see that can't be!

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Seed, a oracle form a Urban Shadows games.
Totaly into gampling and likes to use his gift to win.
They like silly outfits, likes to help ppl what gets them into problems. Then gets stressed because he has no clue HOW to help but they try.

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OH! there all so so cute and unique. The shoose with the button on them and the classes it is so so cute.
Your artwork gives me diabetes one day <3

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can you draw ma leonard UvU (right one left is fucking cort and I realize I got no singel good images with leo without cort ...) but no stress. when you busy, your well being is always more important

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really happy about that one :D filling sketchbooks too. lot of fun best to do in a lockdown

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Art Train! I was tagged by
(whose art you should totally check out!)

My recently drawings really like my fishis and the shroom was a really nice inspo.
ppl who want to. it is late and my head is so empty OTL

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