

New comics every Mon. ❤️Travel, yoga and 🇯🇵Japan! Author of: 📕”Eva, Kopi and Matcha” series 📗Eva Goes Solo 📙A Manga Lover’s Tokyo Travel Guide

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I didn't think I was successful at all because I wasn't earning a lot. But now I think earning enough for a comfortable living and making more people smile is my success. 🙂

4 27

2015: Odd Japanese English: “Paper Driver” in Japan means a driver who obtained their license but seldom drive or has not driven since then. 🚘

0 4

Getting used to the new normal? ☕️

10 20

2014: Odd Japanese English: “Half” in Japan means biracial…

2 9

Are you doing your end of year cleaning with ✨sparks of joy?

1 8

2014: Odd Japanese English: “Baby Car” in Japan means baby stroller… vrroom💨

2 13

My mind goes 🤔😵‍💫!? whenever I see headlines about these record-breaking sales…

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2014: Odd Japanese English: “Smart” in Japan means slim… 🤨

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The Yin and Yang in Chinese Philosophy explained simply.

3 3

2015: Odd Japanese English: “Sharp pencil” in Japan means mechanical pencil.

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