lainy of the killerさんのプロフィール画像

lainy of the killerさんのイラストまとめ

She's/He's/It's Lainy. 14 (25). Bigender terrorwoman. Survival horror protagonist. Film dork. HRT 28/09/19. Loves many. 🔞 θΔ NSFW @girltummy | priv @lainywarez

フォロー数:1472 フォロワー数:2083

wanted to make a needy streamer overload joke but then i got hit in the head with a big "she's literally you" shaped brick

1 13

Wow, "cognitive behavioural therapy"? Is that some new kind of training? Well, whatever it is, it sounds like tough work. Keep going, warrior, and when you've reached the peak of your strength, I'll fight ya myself!

15 71

Would transition have saved her?

0 8

One Piece is so fucking good.

0 11

Luffy commits a micro-aggression

4 27

i don't care about it at all but i do like this girl, who i think is named sarah, who i think is meant to be like evil sonic but a girl

0 11