

🇨🇳 磕CP让人快乐,画画让人开心。KINKI since 2002,SMAP since 2010. 情绪稳定。関係者以外無断転載お断り。Don't use or repost my paintings unless you are related to what I draw.

フォロー数:1971 フォロワー数:15814

I’m having a good time having a good time♪ 想休息一下…结果我画了个什么?😂

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五月头像练习DAY 9:突然想要一些穆夏的感觉,但穆夏最有特色的是把人往平里画啊!?二次元画法祖师爷ORZ……总之给他描了个边🙃 倦了。

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五月头像练习DAY 7:想念剧场,想看音乐剧!虽然当初看的是班萨,看了官摄后FLO萨也很喜欢还磕了他俩,所以CP感不是先入为主是玄学啊……!

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It's weird but I had my reasons😂 同时看过SPN和SPY FAMILY的人才有可能懂我吧(?

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那啥,他俩那么像!都biological son疑惑了😂

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I wish I learned Blender to built a real 3D model than drawing one.But to me I can't say which way is easier😅 PS: Love the song

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SE05,仿游戏画面,希望我没有太过😂 Just love this scene

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After cas I tried more characters to see how far I can go,well,not professional but
I enjoyed the process.

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