

I am Japanese loves onedirection. ワンダイレクションにはまって英語学習スタート。オンライン英会話始めるも伸びず。一念発起して英検の勉強を始め、2021年6月英検準一級合格、2023年10月英検一級、6回目の受験で初合格。/TOEIC910(2023/10)。/7歳5歳の母

フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:87

おめでとう 日本食作るよ、いつでもウチに遊びに来てね。Happy Birthday 🎂 Would you like to come over to my place???

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You are my special.

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Happy Birthday to my precious!!!!!!!!!!
I thank you for being under the same sky with you .....❤❤❤🇯🇵🇬🇧

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ここにあなたのことが大好きなアホがいます!どうかPlease check her art!

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Happy Birthday!!!!!!!You are always our HERO.We love you.#HappyBirthdayLiam

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You are full of love,kindness,and joy.

I can feel your heart anytime.

I can't thank you enough....#WeLoveHarry

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Happy Birthday!!!!!
I hope it will be a good year♡

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You are my sunshine.You are the one.You changed my life.I can't thank you enough!!

All the lovexxxx

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