Javier Gtz🖋️ -Commissions open!さんのプロフィール画像

Javier Gtz🖋️ -Commissions open!さんのイラストまとめ

Comic/manga Artist
Mexico 89
indie artist, part of 656 Comics
commissions open!

フォロー数:415 フォロワー数:2035

apparently today is bunny suit day. if i-ve known before i would've doodled something but at least I have an old drawing no one gave love last i posted. I think i even lost the original since i had to snatch it from an old ig post.

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whos the artist for picrel? or better yet, what books does this come from? cute style

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This is exploding a bit, for anyone wondering I'm a comic artist and I do fanart whenever I can! nice to meet you.

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Ranni / Miriel aka turtle pope fanart. mite redraw a bit but this was a nice quick doodle.
Elden ring

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On the next very special episode:

also i know it was Han and not Luke. but still.

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