

Hi, I'm exit. I art around. Or at least, I try to.

gratuity and comms: ko-fi.com/exit_oxide

フォロー数:96 フォロワー数:348

Late for her bday, but here's to Kyouka Uzen, cutest pimplord (pimpqueen?)

7 16

She actually does, albeit begrudgingly. Mira and Yakumo versions are on my pixiv.

3 13

Don't forget to stock up on your Shushucoins.

8 20

Drawthread request 5. Long story short, requester wanted girls in dresses with a cardboard box aesthetic. Went with Priestess and Goblin Slayer.

2 11

Drawthread request 4 (from way back). Reze as Anton Chigurh

Part 2's finally started. I almost forgot about it.

2 7

Fubuki and Maia. I'd have a drink and listen all night long.

6 16

More mato sports day stuff. Tenka in the swim team.

5 12

Did my best to combine the two sketches and not make the difference in perspectives too jarring.

6 25

I finished coloring my Mato sports day sketches. Starting with Mira's.

7 37

Thank you for all the hard work, -sensei! I'm looking forward to the next arc. Wishing you good health and rest!😄

5 43