

Proud husband & father; Art Lover; Dreamer.

フォロー数:5515 フォロワー数:20501

I did not give that advice. Had I been asked for advice it would have been: “INCREASE SHITPOSTING TO LEVEL 9000!”

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I would LOVE to see your version of my PFP by the incredible !

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These are all really good! I don’t know if you saw it, but I did a whole series of DALL-E portraits recently, including one of you.

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10. Maneki also created a very cool series based on Moonbirds, using AI and integrating her signature floral motifs. This is "Flower Moonbird 10".

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6. "Florulent Tide" has all of the elements of the work for which Maneki is most well known - a strong floral motif, a varied color pallet, and an incredible amount of detail.

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