

busy / artist + writer 🥂…

フォロー数:20 フォロワー数:421

look at him. how could u even think about hurting him

1 6

fengqing spiderman kiss for the soul

142 386

they need to kiss

53 154

god look st him i love him so much .

0 1

happy feng xin friday im still on my nerd!fx agenda look at him . what a dork he's my playlist cover

40 103

god look at them . i love the idea that theyre always together subconsciously because they literally havent left each others side in centuries goddd theyre so . they mean the whole world to me

0 1

thank u so much for the idea tbh its so good ... feng xin in mu qings jacket

4 23

i love him so much . my miaou miaou

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