

1992. artist of big emotions. they/them. haida.
no minors!!!!!!!

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:392

// blood cw
reposts some assorted Jud Mints I still really enjoy because it Ravnica night and I'm trying to get in the Jud Zone

4 9

The eye meme just reminded me that I've been wanting to dump a bunch of my active OCs' eyes into one canvas again, just to see how similar/different they all are to one another. So that's what I did!

2 17

every time someone says something nice to WoL!Jud lol

1 12

posts Nilvertongue and their two moms for mother's day because they make me happy

1 8

The spell acid splash, but you're a draconic origins sorcerer (black dragon flavour), so it comes from your mouth instead.

... took me long enough to get here with Ruinous, huh?

8 18

I don't have it in me to attempt Mer May again, so have these old drawings from last year.

3 13

tried to warm up by drawing all the white haired anime boys I've son-zoned recently

4 14

I have. A Type. And I'm pretty sure I owe it all to THIS dumbass.

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This recent batch of Dooble Icons slapped tbh

7 18

Gonna, repost some old shit that I'm still proud of for various reasons to remind myself I'm capable of full compositions and that I can kick some real ass with where my art currently is, I just need to give myself the time and patience to pull it off

6 14