

1992. artist of big emotions. they/them. haida.
no minors!!!!!!!

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:392

Don’t talk to me, don’t look at me, don’t BREATHE at me, I don’t wANNA HEAR IT 😫😳
(I love Gilder…….)

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more practice on the new tablet

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Our tablets arrived today so I took some time while waking up to warm up by getting used to drawing directly on the screen as a warm up (I am now doing actual work as I type) and I think it's exactly what I needed to get out of this slump

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warming up by drawing two of my pokemon as girlfriends who go to clubs and concerts together

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early birbday gift for a special birdy :3

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I've been incredibly frustrated at how many things I can't do with the current state of affairs, all because dipshits don't wanna take this shit seriously and keep prolonging it. We could have been done with this shit YEAR ONE.

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"Describe an OC's personality with a single image of an established character from media."

Melodramatic FOOL!!!!!

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His name is Slurp and he is a friend! :D

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