

🎨 Freelance Artist🌱Gardener🦋
🌙Moon Elf
(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ linktr.ee/eyesofashes

フォロー数:537 フォロワー数:646

Here is my commission sheet for a full color digital chibi piece ^^ DM me for details! I can turn any character you have into an adorable chibi

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Lol so here is another quick drawing I did for who is an awesome streamer lol there is an inside joke there too

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Drew this up real quick for a streamer I watch on Twitch :3 it's Yukon and his doggo Kuzco! :3

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Merry Christmas :3 My holiday card for this season is finished!

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Hello peeps! Here's my first tweet! XD boop boop bee boop. 😚😍💗

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