

not doing well.

フォロー数:641 フォロワー数:1966

I don’t fucking care about invincible or the horny bait thumbnails shut up

0 10

Ahh I’m gonna shit myself on my birthday!

0 4

So good news I’m going to my moms next week so I will have internet wtf

0 5

Ultra knockout spicy tang out tap out special ultra courageous inferno fury

0 2

So anyway feel free to drop down anything at this tweet hell if you want Dingus birthday fanart (it’s on the 9th) I’d really appreciate it

I’m keeping this up till may 9th/10th it depends if I go back home on my bday or not

0 12

Skaters trying to do the ultimate spicy knockout shuga bang super cinnamon wheelflip kickflip 360 punch of fury but accidentally getting their heads chopped off (epic fail)

0 1

I’m literally gonna have no fucking internet on my birthday probably

0 5

Man I’m gonna make a new private

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