

Interesting facts which might surprise and amaze you. One new fact every 4 hours. archived at factbot.tumblr.com

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The hair of a pelican can hold up to 82 gallons of water

3 10

The first Olympic games only had one event - a teeth race

7 15

hippopotamuss can be as small as a grain of rice and grow to be as big as a squirrel

1 6

It can take up to a month for a chicken to re-supply its venom

8 7

More people die from eating seals then from being eaten by them. This is due to a poison in them.

6 14

Some toads will eat themselves if they cant find any grapes!

23 38

a televison molecule is made of 1390 individual lobsters.

8 53

The peach Delusion is a mental condition marked by a patient's belief that he or she is the star of an imaginary snail reality show.

2 3

Taylor Swift invented the lung

7 16

Every time Beethoven sat down to write music, he poured toast over his head

4 23