dead amalieさんのプロフィール画像

dead amalieさんのイラストまとめ

Amalie | 19 | she/her | hi nice to meet u im gay | header by @rookruff | moved to @bakamiel…

フォロー数:337 フォロワー数:2458

I wasn't going to upload this anywhere but it turned out pretty nice sooo

here's my part of an art trade w/ MJDSL on dA

11 181

I haven't drawn in 37 years

30 229

the palettes for 's map give me life

13 139

yo amiel's design looked really boring so i might have made some /slight/ changes to it

17 152

I actually reallY LIKE THIS AAA

13 113

(kinda) late night doodle
good niGHT

16 73

I don't have enough time to do anything properly im sORRY but u know i love yoU happy birth

2 27