

Lauren.she/her. EN/ID/日本語/中文一点。25↑ うるさい雑多垢、RT魔。雑食でリバおk、地雷なしかかって来い。近侍曲大好き。ネタバレ注意、詳しくはtwpfにて。鍵垢: @laurennokagiaka 時々翻訳や物書きをやってます。妄想一杯な発言を呟きます。無言フォローですみません。呼びタメOK

フォロー数:1097 フォロワー数:527

Edgar Valden
A crystal cyphre note that is the portrait of the ultimate painter, painted in talent.
The spearmint, overlapping with citrus, proudly shows off its well-polished sublime sensibility.
The slight astringency of moss pile up on top of the scent of roses and wafted.

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White/Black Guard (Wuchang)
A monochrome, ambery note that houses complementary souls - the two colors drawn under one umbrella.
Together with the calm, continuously falling rain, the moist aquatic note drips down grief. Once the sound of rain recedes, the scent of damp (1/2)

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A gentle, woody note that births danger, like cold blades that cut through all.
The scent of citrus that hides simulating spice reminds one of the figure of a classy, enigmatic gentleman. Cold herbal scent sharply slices through the mist that hinders one's vision. (1/2)

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Naib Subedar
A woody, citrus note that stands alone, carrying the weight of the sky dyed in twilight.
The scent of oranges mixed with galbanum dashes in bravery and might, leaving dust on its tracks. The rosemary blurs the wild impression, but the raging wind will soon (1/2)

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