

Twitter account for fanganhub, a community supporting fan danganronpa projects.

discord server:

account ran by @genabaras

フォロー数:78 フォロワー数:1168

Today's redesign is:
BronsoKip#2066's redesign of 's character, Umbra Minatozaki , Ultimate Fortune Teller from Fortune's Facetiae!

1 11

Today's redesign is:

's redesign of BronsoKip#2066's character, Mianko from DR Judgement Cycle

1 5

Today's redesign is:

' redesign of 's character, Nakayama Shougo, Ultimate Model from DR: Psycho: Logic!

1 7

Today's redesign is:

's redesign of 's character, Catalina Reyes, Ultimate Flamenco Dancer from Grand DR: Immortal Anthem!

3 17

Today's redesign is:

's redeisgn of 's character, Mika Aiuchi, Ultimate Matchmaker from DR: Hope Restoration.

6 24

Today's redesign:

's redesign of character, Kamiko Takumi, Ultimate Technician from DR:Reprise

2 13

Today's redesign is:

's redesign of Crash#4034's character, Tsubasa Hirano, Ultimate Legal Prodigy from DR Flatline!

5 49

Today's redesign is:

neryxocturna#1080's redesign of 's character, Kinoyu Akechi. Ultimate ??? from DR: Reality Rewind!

2 21

Today's redesign is:

's redesign of 's character, Urara Amemiya, Ultimate Mangaka from Brave DR, Cowards Paradise!

11 54

Starting from today, we'll be posting the round 2 submissions!

Today's redesign is:

's redesign of 's character, Quinn Eigami - Ultimate Patron

4 15