

He/him / 22 / General Thomas fan / Trainz Route Maker / Thomas Collector / Salt Van / Mexican / Resident of the Faraway Lands /flea market expert

フォロー数:479 フォロワー数:2541

FUN FACT FRIDAY: As we know "Gordon Goes Foregn" was planned for Series 2 but never made it past planning stages, but a face was made for the Big City Engine, I can never allow you to see the full image because the NDA boogyman will hunt me down!

this ishow it was sent i swaer!

13 91

I see no difference...

12 68

Next on the list of routes I need to update:

4 50

20 years ago, our favorite tank engine had his first cinema experience. As much as it was an incompetent movie, it truly captured our imagination and it was truly a magical experience.

To recapture that magic, I made a whole TATMR route last year.

10 90

I took a massive trainz dump and added filters over it...
whatd do you guys think?

5 66