Farel Dalさんのプロフィール画像

Farel Dalさんのイラストまとめ

ROBot TOD, 20202020, The Often Wrong, Proxima Centauri, Pop Gun War, It Will All Hurt, The Wrenchies, Omega the Unknown, Palefire. buy my ART from @theBeguiling

フォロー数:1546 フォロワー数:6563

35 of 366, Virgil, from my graphic novel, THE WRENCHIES, and my graphic novel, PROXIMA CENTAURI. this was suggested to me via my patreon. subscribe if you want to claim one of these $20 drawings. Also included an older Virgil.

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032 of 366 BLAM DABBIT, positive and plucky wizard from my 2018 graphic novel, IT WILL ALL HURT. read for free on study group comics https://t.co/P1DrnELUO9

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Daily drawing 031 of 366 for captain qwest from the second volume of brandon graham’s and ‘s reboot of ‘s from . This and the next bunch of drawings are all claimed by subscribers.

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Daily drawing 30 of 366 for massaya kind from the second volume of from . I drew two issues of this series (colored exquisitely by ) and in the second issue I got to make up a bunch of weird aliens.

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Daily drawing 29 of 366 for blewie, last of the three pinochobots from my graphic novel, POP GUN WAR : Chain Letter. Subscribe to my to get one of these.

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28 of 366 Detective Ben Able from my graphic novel series, POP GUN WAR. Subscribe to my patreon to get a chance to claim drawings i am doing for the rest of the year.
inked with a

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26 of 366 from my 2014 graphic novel THE WRENCHIES. This has been sold to a subscriber. check the link in my profile to get more of a chance to buy one of these daily drawings for $20.

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24 of 366 for Hollis from my 2014 book THE WRENCHIES and my  2017  book POP GUN WAR: CHAIN LETTER.
sold to a subscriber. subscribe to get more of a chance to buy one of these daily drawings for $20.

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022 of 366 for subscribe to my patreon to get of these. Character is from a one page comic that and i made back in 2015 or so for the anthology. Check out to buy og art https://t.co/VPPtYZqn1S

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