

🥝Farm life🥝 Plant Mother 🥝 Mother of Cats 🥝 She/Her 🥝Cute Things 🥝 Positivity 🥝
✨Be a little better today, than you were yesterday✨

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Cats are the best protectors. Sends out alarm calls when spider is found in the house so Rory can remove It.

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Looks like shitty days for everyone

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This time next week the spare room will be a spare bedroom for family and friends to come visit. AKA cats sunroom.

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I think I've just made my first gross tasting cupcake :(

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Today has beeb a roigh day .I have the best people in my life. Amy Looks after puppy so Rory can take me food shopping and chill for an hour or so. Come home to house vacuumed. are best humans!

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Tuesday is going to be epic ! No sleep Tuesday awesome!!!!!

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You two are awesome. Amazing people. Soo happy for you both !!

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Finally starting something I've been thinking about doing for the last 6 or so months , Motivation we got this !

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