

A Jaymz who Loves Chubby Tummies! Ace/Pan-Romantic, Polyamorous. Older than you think I am! Stuffed belly art, cute kigurumis. 🔞

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:4614

Some Foxymatsu (perspective pose practice).

7 56

Fat bunny in denial...

44 364

There's too many to choose from... but this one has always been a super favorite (sorry, I don't seem to have the uncolored version for some reason!)

1 84

Noisy chubby Choromatsu tummy (for a Tumblr Ask).

15 193



Bunny Burger Baxter (for a Tumblr Ask).

1 47

College skunk & bunny (for a Tumblr Ask).

9 113

Happy Food Day!
I expect y'all bellies to be packed full by this evening, haha.

2 30

The Choose Your Own Adventure drawing for November 2022 as voted by my $5+ Patreon patrons, I hope you like it!


29 251

Just a fat ass squirrel known as Big Bone. No explanation required.

3 63