

For Better or For Worse comic strip tweets.

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# summer

All Booked Up

With the hectic school season over, it’s time to relax and enjoy the good weather. Nothing beats hot days, picnics at the beach, and sun-warmed skin.


Young April holds a forked stick covered in roasted hot dogs and toasted marshmallows.

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How do you avoid having to "request repeatedly"? We welcome your tips for getting things done.

Elly stands in front of a big mess, including a sneaker, football, checkerboard, ice cream carton and a variety of other things. She says she doesn't nag, she requests repeatedly.

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Elly and Lynn never particularly liked doing the vacuuming! You can see how young Elly strongly resembles Lynn.

Side-by-side images: Elly vacuuming, and a black and white photo of Lynn also vacuuming, with little Katie helping.

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July is National Watermelon Month. Do you like watermelon, or not so much? (Lynn drew this art for McMaster University, but we're not sure why!) 🍉

A young woman shoplifts a watermelon from a fruit stand by stuffing it into her shirt. The grocer notices something strange.

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Summer’s here! After seven months of rain, two months of grey skies, and one month of fart jokes (courtesy of my offspring), my favorite season has arrived.

Michael thinks it would be neat if they never had to go back to school again. Elly disagrees.

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Has your kid ever done damage while "helping"?

Elizabeth thinks it's cute that April is helping to wash the sportscar, but John is horrified to see April scrubbing the side door with handfuls of sand.

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The march of time had finally caught up with my son, Andy. Not a day goes by where he isn’t starfished on the ground after tripping over his own feet.


A picture of young Robin Patterson holding a teddy bear.

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Hooray! It's the first day of in the northern hemisphere! What do you like to do for fun in the warmer months?

Farley comes up next to Elly, who's sitting on a towel at the beach, and shakes himself all over, spraying Elly with water. 🏖️

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Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! We hope you had a more gentle wake-up call this morning.

Young Michael and Elizabeth startle John awake by yelling "Happy Father's Day!" at him.

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Is anything more exciting for kids than a birthday party? Think of it: candy, games, prizes, and free cake.

Elly and John, exhausted, clean up after little April's birthday party. April is already excited about next year's birthday.

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