

Italian comic-artist based in Naples 🏳️‍🌈
The ebook of my comic Bacchai is here: fdevitart.gumroad.com

フォロー数:375 フォロワー数:1978

Last post of this series with Angelina Dalles-Burnett, aka Madame Red.
Black Butler is set in 1889, a transition period for Western women's fashion: the silhouette of the skirts is just starting to be "narrowed down"- (1/2)

34 173





Y'all remember this sexy bastard right? After making historically accurate Ciel like a year ago, finally it's Sebastian Michaelis' turn.

201 581

Summer is my grandparents sitting in the cool shade of a tree. Grandma with her crossword puzzles and Grandpa... just chilling. What about you? What's a staple of your summer vacations?

1 24

B̵͋͛͜e̶̲̬̅̈ ̸̻͎̙͝ȃ̵̗͚̤͌̃f̵̰̲̏̋̾͜ŕ̴̩ͅa̷̫̮̓͝ͅḯ̷͖̀͋d̸̤̭̈́̓

Yes, self portraits as an eldritch abomination are this year's theme for me.

5 41

Almost here.
On June 1st the Indiegogo campaign for "Bacchai", published by 水SHUI - Publishing & Entertainment will officially start.

5 25

L'ambientazione è assolutamente fenomenale, e adoro tutti i personaggi. Ognuno è interpretato magistralmente dai giocatori, e la DM (Giulia) è un genio del male.

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