

just a lil guy doing his best, ok

old enough

フォロー数:394 フォロワー数:9089

go back to sleep GO BACK TO SLEEP IT'S ALL A DREAM-

0 1

I'm sure nothing bad will happen..

0 3

'constantly exhausted' is just my aesthetic these days tbh

0 1

Burnt out from work, so I missed a day ;;

So we've got a little bat between 768' wah's toes and a 1,536' panda's airliner sized paws. :3

5 40

One of my first size difference pictures I ever got. Back then I just kinda disguised it as 'haha look he's a mouse do you get it'

Me and a good friend of mine.

1 15

Well, be it far from me to deny you~!

0 5

Hold the fox GENTLY.

Wait shit I did it wrong--

2 20

oh god there's too many people to individually reply to without it feeling like I'm just being spammy, but just imagine me snacking on you one by one~

1 27

don't have to retweet if you would hug them

Just give me a heart u.u

18 134