

They/Them • Mostly depressed midnight doodles • 🏳‍🌈 • Trying my best at art • ENG / FR

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Sad to annonce that my baby girl died…
The cost of cremation is fucking bullshit
Fuck capitalism, seriously

Having said that, I still need to eat and pay my bills
Saturn Smoke, Mossy Stone and Deep Sea Foam are still up for adoption
Don’t hesitate to DM or comment.

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So my baby kitty is dying, and I bought a couple things to make her the most comfortable possible and try to get her to eat.
I kinda need a little financial help.

As such, these are my very first egg adopts 🥚
I hope you’ll like them !

Paypal only please 🌻

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Cadeyrn 👑

Fae royalty
Less old than Dryst but still

Lil' bitch baby.
Enjoys acting like a spoiled brat.
Is actually an Fae ambassador at an important human kingdom.
Loves to shapeshift & wear Victorian era clothes.

L : Lorcan, Dryst, Kaïn, Sheyla, Akhyr

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Akhyr 🛡

Human (?)
27 something
She works as a wandering mercenary
Comes from a matriarchal kingdom I'd very much like to talk about one day
Grumpy sand lady🌴
Has a very large scar on the left corner of her forehead

Links : Dryst, Cadeyrn, Sheyla, Lorcan

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Ellyot ✨

Ellyot is fabulous and he knows it !
Cleans up after Adam's stabby stab
He's always very fashionable & his favorite color is pink.

Linked to : Lucy, Adam (spoilers : he's their boyfriend & they all love each other very much)

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Adam 🔪

-26ish (yes I like to be precise as you can see)
Scars !
Murder stab stab boy! But not because he likes that (he doesn't) more cause you know, life (and money)

Linked to : Lucy, Ellyot (yes pls don't notice the spelling mistake I did on the upper post)

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Let's start with one of my favorite baby :

Lucy ☀
Mute, both from trauma & injury.

Linked to : Adam, Ellyoth

I haven't decided yet about their hair but it will be floofy that's for sure.

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I'm not dead (yet)
I wanna try something
Thank u

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Posting old art to fill this account a bit

Dragon doodle too get the hang of my alcohol markers (still haven't a clue how to use them properly tho)

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