TRFennekko 🌙さんのプロフィール画像

TRFennekko 🌙さんのイラストまとめ

I am shy but friendly. I am creative and enjoy reading,writing stories,animation,and musicals. I love Pokémon,especially the Team Rocket trio. She/her autistic

フォロー数:298 フォロワー数:977

People have been talking about what they’ll do with the released TR mons like Arbok+Weezing, Victreebel, Cacnea, Dustox in MPM 9, and one thing that I think would be cool is if they did a listing in the opening like they’ve been doing with Ash’s teams

3 24

I just realized! They even got inverted colors!

We coulda had it allll!! 😭

2 8

Aww, the kids are playing with stickers

1 10

I’m really happy with the amount of love Xerneas has been receiving this year. I feel like as far as Legendaries/Mythicals go, it was pretty underrated and underrepresented so I’m glad they’re letting the awesome rainbow stag of life more attention

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