

猫も犬もカワ(・∀・)イイ!!💕 エデレス


フォロー数:5073 フォロワー数:1263

ガシャポン おみくじ

34 240

so Beautiful art… but wait wat!? Fauna will be OK!? lol

0 30

So don’t go playing with…playing with…🔥

2 9

I luv Edelgard Luv Byleth and luv to play fe3h
/but now me…

0 1

Happy birthday my emperor💕
Wishing you happiness and a chance to come back to meet your beloved teacher in 3 hopes.

83 259

From the beginning of the “stream BDcountdown”…and Bubba's patience

386 3092


1 5

Why when GIF it’s down quality of clip🥲

0 6