

they/them | black/asian| game design student| i draw animanga and furries!! | 日本語を勉強している| more active: @ferretleaf2 | banner:@IMINN18…

フォロー数:1072 フォロワー数:1781

art trade for !! sorry for taking like 20 years! i think ive finally remembered how to draw again

3 24

tagged by
1. lockscreen
2. homescreen
3. last song you listened to
4. 18th picture in camera roll
5. tag 6


0 0

mint choccie flavoured gen.....

19 54

waa I’d love to see either of these two in your style! thank you for the opportunity! 💕

0 2

litle gremlin chibi for my gf...guess who hes based on

2 11

draw for best friended robin <33

4 11

its Valentine’s Day here already so announcement: i love alice youre my whole universe!!!!!

3 10

for day 5 of D DOES THIS COUNT?? ive seen a lot of art w Cat Gen so here is dog senku (shapeshifter au?) I DREW THIS W MY GF they skeched i lined and coloured <3

13 50

Finished it! enjoy halloween-ready claude! 1/2

56 149

hmm dimitri says something dumb and claude laughs but dimitri is Whipped

144 307