Charlie Fey 🌱さんのプロフィール画像

Charlie Fey 🌱さんのイラストまとめ

Disabled queer artist & writer who tweets about art stuff, writing stuff, and vidya stuff. Also, Goblin the cat.…

フォロー数:42 フォロワー数:563 Part 1 of The Big Deal of Mr Hades is up for reading! as per tradition:
-nanu spies a rare beast
-honchkrow is a diva
-something is here...

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that's it, that's the meme

24 56

thinkin bout old ocs tonight

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briefly discussed a reverse roles giovanni nanu au with the other day, so now I've arrived at corrupt cop giovanni with the goal of running the police by any means necessary and evil team boss/kahuna nanu with the goal of running all the people out of ula'ula.

5 20

enjoy these npcs I couldn't be bothered to put in the lineup while I solve some snags in my writing

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> Retort
> Is... is he pouting?

0 1

badly drawn dating sim
what would you do

8 27

'nother lineup: 2 times nanu and giovanni met in celadon. please look forward to it.

3 12

I'm writing some more fic so of course i need to update the lineup

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