Fate/GO NEWS (JP)さんのプロフィール画像

Fate/GO NEWS (JP)さんのイラストまとめ

UNOFFICIAL English Twitter account for Fate/Grand Order JP. Check the pinned tweet for event info! ||
Official: @fgoproject (JP)

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# fgo


The unlock for 5★ Craft Essence Chaldea Dinner Time, which puts the CE into Da Vinci’s Mana Prism store, and 4★ Command Code Dragonslayer’s Sword have been added to Da Vinci’s Rare Mana Prism store.

10 60


Dear Friend (3★)

HP recovery +5%
NP gain upon getting hit +15%
God Feather drops +1 (event-only)

41 180


New Command Codes:

Moon Goddess in Love (5★)

Equipping card gains +20% Special Attack vs. Males

16 60


Event bonuses:
- Caren Hortensia gains +100% attack and +50% bond
- Event CE White Garden (5★) gives +30% bonus event points
- Valentine's present CEs give bonus event points
- Other event CEs increase event item drops

12 41


Saint Valentine! Chaldea Bitter Valentine 2021 will begin on 2/10 (Wed), featuring new limited 5★ Ruler, Caren C. Hortensia! Full details of the event will be revealed at a later date.

254 912


A limited-time CE featuring the cover art of the book will be available as a reward for clearing the limited-time quest in Chaldea Gate.

Fate/Grand Order Memories III (4★)
Mystic Code EXP on quest clear +50

2 27


Mini-Ushiwaka (3★)

When attacking with equipping card, gain 1 star & remove 1 offensive debuff from self

24 69


Clear the event in order to receive new 4★ Assassin Servant, Kiichi Hogen, as a reward! She will receive doubled EXP gain as a bonus during the event.

69 209


2021/1/18 (Mon) is the 2000th day since the launch of JP! All Masters whom have cleared Singularity F before 1/18 (Mon) 0:00 JST will receive 10 Quartz by logging in on 1/18!

42 258


Fortitudinous One (3★)

QP gain from quests +2021

9 68