

100% Paintpig. pale dewy-faced salamander person. she/her. prickly mumbly artist.


フォロー数:1459 フォロワー数:744

Would anyone like
Does anyone need
Can I make you

A Frawg✨

Here I am with all this
✨artistic prestige✨
and the fine folks at the Piggledy Wiggledy store say they can’t accept that as a form of payment, ~imagine~!

Frogs and othersuch available here; https://t.co/Z09781vgHU

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oOOOoo an art train 🚄🚉 psseww psseww! (that's the sound of high-speed rail, I imagine, because Murica)

Let's gooooooooooo

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Anyone else getting double notifications?
Twitter is going well.

Anyhow frogs are having a moment so just wanted to pop by and say

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Excuse me I call dibs on "Blarg" and it's variants such as "Blargle", "Blargleflump" and the French "Le Blarg"

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Yeah, most of my life I had no dental insurance. My teeth have always been crooked af. I've started getting more cavities, but on medicaid they mostly cover extractions. I've had a broken crown/filling thing for a couple years now and two dentists wouldn't do anything about it.

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Year of the Rabbit! 🐇🎉

Gong hei fat choy! 恭喜发财!

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I know I'm slow at this but I hope when it's done I'll be able to at least get it printed.

Anyhow, what helps -now- is if you join my ko-fi membership. You get stickers, I get consistent income to keep working on my tarot deck. Because I am a flesh artist. https://t.co/QXkve4Uzkj

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I have updated the place in which you may procure items that are made by myself in exchange for currency.

You can find this magical place by viewing the very source of my communications on this here platform and moving your mouse cursor to the place that is highlighted.

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