

100% Paintpig. pale dewy-faced salamander person. she/her. prickly mumbly artist.


フォロー数:1459 フォロワー数:744

Why I will not stop making nuds and tomatoes and figure drawings even though I was told “that’s nice but it’s not really -art-“ by a gallery once, and “you don’t really expect it to go anywhere, right?” in a job interview when I said I make music
Fuck expectations https://t.co/fOy3BO5ZWh

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I would just be super excited if someone liked my sea slug fanart. https://t.co/GFAxDvZOU6

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Woo! Friyay
Hi! I’m obsessed with illustrating sea critters 🐙
Working on getting this rolling: https://t.co/eVtATlpI3m
I’m at https://t.co/PMEpsDKWlt
And trying to be consistent at https://t.co/rpugb0w4qq
I just have a lot of work to do!
Thanks for the thread! ♥️

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I’ve been floating in the 450s for a few months now 😂
I draw a lot of sea slugs. I’ll have prints and stickers soon ™️ maybe someday I’ll be able to take commissions for Twitch emotes and pet portraits 😬
I’m also proud of my tomatoes. ♥️

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I haven't participated in an art share in a while!

Hi, I'm Sam from Ohio, working on expanding my digital portfolio and hopefully get some commissions soon - looking to branch into some branding design and such in the future.

Thanks for hosting this thread! ♥️

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Gave the black cherry tomatoes some speckles, and did an oxheart and some orange cherries. And I believe my tomatoes are complete for now :3

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My pops asked me to make labels for the tomatoes we planted. And now that the cricket has stopped torturing me, I leave you with... going overboard on plant labels.

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Oh dang!!

🚆TrainQuote train!🚆
If you see this, quote RT with your art and tag people! Keep the train going~

Tag for the quote train:


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Revisited an old old ink drawing and (hopefully) made some improvements. I always liked this one, and I always think about Edward James Olmos as El Pachucho in Zoot Suit when I look at it. Google it, watch it, learn about the actual zoot suit riots.
Original vs. redraw

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Yaaaaaay artshare ♥️♥️♥️

Here's some recent stuff I finished (a couple today)

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