

Cecil/Ciça🍹 Rapaz de bem 🇲🇫🇬🇧🇧🇷 Made the webcomic Stone Flower 🌴 Vintage Brazil, history and pathetic lawyers. I'm +20

フォロー数:434 フォロワー数:1317

Revamping my project Nine to Five, tried to make it more cartoony than it was originally while staying true to the era :]

8 42

Ton and Rainer growing old 🥺 I imagined that they have neighbors with a daughter that took a liking to them bc her own grandparents live too far away... Now they're friends with the whole family and the girl sometimes vibes with her funny "grandpas" :')

11 50

My friend gifted me CSP (bless her) so here's a Tonzinho doodle I took way too seriously because the painting options are insane ☀️

2 25

Ton e Rainer na decada de 40 🤔 awkward

7 56

The commissions of my first batch! :D (still open 🍸)

1 16

O sotaque carioca 🌊🌴 (thinking hard about the fact that Ton and Rainer have a different accent and of course like everything between them it becomes a source of tension)

3 36

It's 1954 in Rio, who's your favorite crooner? Lúcio Alves or Dick Farney? You have to pick a side! I've heard they made a song together, incredible right? It was written by some new guy playing at night in Posto 6...

3 44

Here's my updated commission chart! I added a new format and some guidelines but things are basically the same! You can DM me about offers/questions or send me an email right there : cecild2101(at)gmail(dot)com! Thank you in advance for your support, any RT means a lot! ✨

18 47

Ne jamais dire jamais...

8 123

My brain said Frank and Tom. Right here, right now. Emergency

2 28