Christina Varotsisさんのプロフィール画像

Christina Varotsisさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:555 フォロワー数:426

Are you that delusional???? one after the other, courts are rejecting your baseless assertions. Stop embarrassing yourself, concede and move on.

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Come to terms with it you lost the election. Do what you got to do to disappear gracefully if at all possible. Stop making a fool of yourself.

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...and political cartoons are having a field day with your irrational behavior and conspiracy theory obsessions. : every vote for you counts and every vote for Biden is a fraud? Makes sense...or not!

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most, if not all your your tweets are getting the “blue message”, you know what that means, right? You are spreading questionable information and you can’t get away with it any longer!

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Not enough for a win 🗳 is it too much to ask for you to concede with grace and decency?

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Perhaps your endless lies contributing to your loss...think about that, I know it’s hard for a compulsive liar. Distorting reality won’t make it lost fair and square!

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Four seasons landscaping? Your next job? I knew you had small hands but not a green are fired

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