

Sometimes I draw things! I rt lots of stuff and don’t say much! FFXIV, monhun, general art, Famfrit!

フォロー数:1176 フォロワー数:92

Loving all the art, here’s some of mine 😊

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Hey! I do art things for fun! I post them when I get time

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I’ll add mine here too I suppose! I’m Fire, and I do all sorts of art when I have the time

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Hey! I do art sometimes! Lovely to see everyone participating and sharing 😊

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Hey everyone! I do art things when I have time. Loving all the artwork!

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I post art things sometimes! All sorts of mediums

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A little orchid I painted a while ago, mostly just use it as a bookmark now

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I post art when I can! I love all forms of art, but mostly painting and digital

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I’m Fire! I do lots of traditional and digital work, as well as some 3D modelling!

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I love games and art! And I post art whenever I can

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