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Shiitake watering some sproots 🌱✨🍄🐌💕

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We have some progress on the actual body mesh, me thinks it's turning out great so far! Also I've decided on a possible secondary colour for Shiitake. 🍄

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Working on a new Project with my Partner, this is our first attempt at making a functioning model and we're really hope to bring this to Vket this year!

Her name is Shiitake and she's just a little mushroom that love to garden :)

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Hoping to do more of this in the future, I miss drawing.✌️

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Funny Animals 🐾

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Round Viscacha chillin'

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i COuldn't take it any more I had to draw the orange MONKEY.

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I had an Idea . . . Wario Pikmin, really needed to get this one off my chest.

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