

Just your friendly They/Him neighbour who’s a Feminist and Stands for Autism Acceptance and loves Dino’s & Pokemon🏳️‍🌈 #ActuallyAutistic

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Her husband try to get the role of the flash. But he wouldn’t put the costume on. Cuz he wanted to keep flashing at bowling alley,💗#LaurenBoebertsProblems

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Who else will use the many cute dinosaurs Gifs.💚#GoodReasonsNotToLeaveTwitter

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He is a great person that runs a welcoming inclusive community in and everyone should give him a follow. Cuz he is a very kind person.🥜🐘

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A Sloth giving Pushee and he’s friends a hay ride.💛#WasHidingInTheCornMaze

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Cupcakes are just very fancy looking Muffins.🤎#ThenCameTheMomentIRealized

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Why are Ducks Such bad plumbers.♥️

They always show a little Quack.

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When I can give my cute doggy a big hug.💙#GaveMeAnItch

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What do you call a pile of Cats.

A Meowtain.💚#MySundayDoseOfHumor

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Why Don’t Cannibals Eat Clowns.♥️

Because they taste funny.

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I told Baby Grogu if Baby Yoda was he’s Daddy.❤️

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