

A single spark.
A prairie fire.

フォロー数:1018 フォロワー数:2657

Without downloading new images, where are you mentally?

wahana babak belur nomor 5 ✋ (lima) https://t.co/Pqg81gfggQ

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pertama kali nyobain rendangnya pagi sore

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1 AM quick draw ga niat

Punished "Venom" Snake

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What's a comic book moment that lives in your head rent free? https://t.co/rtZOuHb6Nn

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green card hunter rn: misteerrr don’t goooo misteeerrrr take fotoooooo duluuu misteeeeeeeer don’t listen to theeeemmm indoooo people actually gooooood we greeet greeeetttt takeeee fotoooo plsssssssaaaaarrrggghjhhhjkkkkkk

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