

artist + streamer || multifandom + original art || rt's appreciated :')

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HEY HEY !! im just flex and i rlly like drawing mcyt's + a bunch of other fandoms,, i don't have much art up because i'm a bit of a perfectionist but i love improving & learning from each thing i make :D

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AYY HEY !! i'm just flex, i draw a lot of different fandoms but mainly mcyt's rn, i dont have much art up yet but i'm working on that !! btw bruh ur so cool for doing this poggers <33 >:D

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AHSG i havent figured out how to draw an actual body but here hehe <3

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HEY HEY POGG CONGRATS :D here’s the only art pieces i’ve posted so far hehe

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gave up on trying to draw a full body but here's a first small drawing of my sona that i've been working on >:D

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WOAH YOUR ART IS GORGEOUS TY FOR THIS >:D <33 (aghsjsh im rlly slow at drawing so i only have these pieces but hehe)

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HEY HEY i do art but i honestly am horrible with uploading but please i do draw i’m just a perfectionist,, still a bit new to twitter, i’ve been drawing a lot of mcyt, some cartoons and a bunch of other stuff :D!!

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HI HI working on some art rn i like to lurk around instead of posting also ty so much for doing this mate i’ve found so many cool moots and people from these :D <3

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this is my fav so far 😳😳💕 been trying out shading but it’s rlly confusing 😭😭

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i know i’m like a week late cause i procrastinate and can’t shade but here’s some art!! very pog!! im so happy for this big man :DD

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