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Feels Like Healingさんのイラストまとめ

Conversations on how individuals have used #creativity to help them heal from #grief #trauma and #mentalillness hosted by @allewismusic

フォロー数:78 フォロワー数:60

This week my guest is the we talk about how Gary found solance in the act of keeping a in the wake of losing his wife Joy to sepsis and how it enabled him to articulate the he was going through. Find us where you get your

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This week my guest is we talk about Sam's last album, described as a meditation on Sam wrote the songs as a response to several traumatic life events,the end of a long-term relationship, the death of his Dad and the loss of a friend to suicide

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This week my guest is Welsh singer/songwriter Sarah Howells. Sarah first came to prominence in the Welsh music scene with her band 'Jylt', which she formed with her best friend from school Nia George.
Just as the band were beginning to make waves, Nia was diagnosed with leukaemia

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Rhif 3 allan heddiw. Sgwrs efo’r canwr/cyfansoddwr / Da ni’n trafod sut nath Yws defnyddio creadigrwydd a chyfansoddi i’w helpu o ar ôl i’w frawd farw mewn damwain car pan oedd Yws yn 19. Da ni hefyd yn clywed y hanes tu ôl i’w gân mwyaf adnabyddus

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Episode 3 is out today feat. / we talk about how Yws used creativity and songwriting to help him with the loss of his brother (who died in a car accident) when Yws was 19. We also hear the story behind Yws’s most enduring song

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Mae'r ail bennod o allan rwan, sgwrs efo yng nghlun a'i chysylltiadau rhwng a chreadigrwydd - ewch i wrando ar https://t.co/VWwRsyFxD4

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