

commission: OPEN (vgen.co/flocavenia or check my carrd) | 🍁☂️ | 🌱☂️| ⚔️🍁| 🔞 minor DNI | ❌DO NOT REUPLOAD/EDIT/TRANSLATE |

フォロー数:340 フォロワー数:30465

Part 2- "I'm not jealous"

4 362

*flo pas gbr ini*
Mind: Ini bukan junghyun oke. Ini jungkook. Ini jungkook.

Also me: JUnGhYun Is tHaT YoU!?

4 26

Chapter 1: I'm Kim Taehyung

14 421

Cannibal!Taehyung x Regeneration!Jungkook AU

29 428

Cannibal!Taehyung x Regeneration!Jungkook AU

10 60

Fanart AU Taekook

308 1137

another my FA for u!
tbh this is my first time i use twitter. 😂 i already active on ig but when i read your story, I want to make some fanart about your AU and send u. I don't know your ig names so i make twitter acc and tag you X"DD omg sorry i hope you like it!

18 130