

character artist at maxis, views are my own - games, fashion, knitting, cats, birds - an intersectional feminist and a socialist - she/her 🇮🇪

フォロー数:1067 フォロワー数:1469

I'm a character artist, I know where my priorities lie in any project

2 28

six arms six arms six arms why do I keep doing this

12 68

doot doot doot

I spotted the lil shears in her tunic pocket on the concept and went 'oh YEs' they're so cute

4 20

what a nice idea! here's my favourites 😊

10 45

so, I guess this is happening now. trying very hard not to think about how rigging this utter monstrosity will go. still in the blocking out stage but I think she's looking kinda neat so far :D aspected chaos from kill six billion demons by

19 229

okay. peach is almost done bar some small tweaking(not pictured: sword and scabbard which are basically done also), so: do I know anyone who would like to rig her? I would absolutely love to not have to do it myself lmao ⚔🍑

9 46

got peach into substance at last :3 still early days, just laying down some materials quickly and spotting bake issues I need to fix :v a good start tho! ⚔🍑

2 31

that's all the big details in. whew. ⚔🍑

5 80

wren is DONE! oh man, I'm so happy :D

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