

Fluffy Person who draw stuff. Feel free to talk to me XD
Loves Holo EN!
🔱🐙💀🔎🐔🌿⏳🎲 🪶 💎🐾🗿🎼👁‍🗨

フォロー数:478 フォロワー数:2004

yeah thats tako bread from this meme and the birbs were kinda supposed to be kiara's mascot but i ran out of time 🤣😆😊😊🥰🥰

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Do you know about the growing origami industry?
Their business is in-CREASING! 🤣🤣🤣

Finished this piece some time ago forgot to post 😚

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Cremation is my last hope for a smoking hot body 😂🔥💪

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