

(Abandoned account)

フォロー数:39 フォロワー数:265

I've been screenshoting videos so I have more frames than just the ones I get from the wiki... I hope you like them!

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Burns you're great!!! 💖 I really hope you feel better soon, but meanwhile allow yourself to process these feelings without beating yourself over feeling them. Please be kind and patient with yourself!! Some happy Bluebirds for you:

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Eyeball almost never smiled, was paranoid and tended to scrutinize the behaviour of others, while Bluebird acts relaxed and/or confident (didn't even notice that Steven knew who she was) and is smiling almost all the time.

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I'm still not satisfied with my layout so meanwhile I figure out another one, here it is the drawing I made as pfp

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Also I love how she has such a specific and expressive body language

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Anyway Yellow Pearl having a crush on Amethyst. Now back to animating sdfsdg

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I'm too tired to form coherent sentences but u guys get it right

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This one was for day 2, which had the theme "Funland" and it's a continuation of the last one

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This is the most popular thing I ever did and that's totally fair. I also want to do this. I wanna fly and do the water thingy

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