

Diego Olivas uses FOND/SOUND to explore some of the hidden gems from music history.

"Digging Deep", monthly at @LYL_Radio -- found at instagram (@fondsound)

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:1014

At F/S: That spring feeling. ☮️ A look back at Hiroyoshi Kawagishi and Takashi Kohgo's beatific musical conversation between kora and esraj, among the shores of Gorée, in some imagined, fourth world. Further down the old salt road. (1995)

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At F/S: Another fine day. 🎐Yassue and Masakazu Anai's sublime ambient dance floor explorations with Daisuke Hinata. Global grooves for a new Japanese age. (1997)

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At F/S: Love life. 💃 A look at one of my favorite J-R&B albums, the (sadly) little heralded masterwork by Mayumi Yamamoto, an absolute classic of joyful, cozy, adult soul music for your more laidback, throwback days. Go on, let your hair down. (1990)

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At F/S: Afterglow. ⛅ Shinsuke Honda's masterful turn towards Japanese healing music. Forgotten memories, ones that grow hazier every year, strummed onto six strings pulling at some new, universal canon. This is a guitar album. (1991)

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At LYL Radio: Wed. 9/11, 4pm CST - 9pm GMT, tune in to my next episode of Digging Deep, kicking off a new season of exploration. On this 1h-long sojourn, en homage to my French hosts/listeners, I dive deep into nouvelle chanson française sans Gainsbourg.

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At F/S: Dolphin week. 🐬 A week where I share some of my favorite albums inspired by our cetacean friends. Monday - 7/29: Jonathan Goldman’s womb music for birthing environments. (1988)

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At F/S: Flight time. The final volume, of four, showing the broad scope of Japanese Ambient, New Age, Environmental and Healing Music, "The Four Elements: Japanese Healing Music"-- this time it's "Air". ☁ mix illustrations by .

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On 2: Monday, Nov. 5th at 4AM CT/10AM GMT, my 4th (and final) volume showing the breath of Japanese Ambient, New Age, Environmental and Healing Music, "The Four Elements: Japanese Healing Music"-- we end with "Air". ☁ Mix illustrations kindly provide by .

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At F/S: Breathe in the air. The 3rd volume, of four, showing the wide scope of Japanese Ambient, New Age, Environmental and Healing Music, "The Four Elements: Japanese Healing Music"-- this time it's "Fire". 🔥 mix illustrations by .

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On 2: Monday, Nov. 5th at 6AM CT/11AM GMT the 3rd volume of four, showing the breath of Japanese Ambient, New Age, Environmental and Healing Music, "The Four Elements: Japanese Healing Music"-- this time it's "Fire". 🔥 Mix illustrations kindly provide by .

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