

retiring this account

フォロー数:137 フォロワー数:58

Hi o/ I like to think my color choice is pretty good and ive been told I have a good variety in my characters faces [color here faces cont]

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Um I am late 4 work but here are 4 of mine. Hope y'all like em! I have the same handle on instagram

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I use a lot and I actually really enjoy it but ive already lost wips to it in the past I don't want to lose more. :( I will have to switch to another program

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This actually explains so much
Obsession with pauldrons and gems? Check. Humongo pointy eyelashes anime eyes? Check. Warm reds purples and yellows? Check

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I normally don't reply to stuff like this but your username makes me feel like you would enjoy 2 of mine [sorry theyre wips that's all I ever do✌✌✌✌✌] I hope your spirits lift soon 💙❤💜

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